12 Reasons Why WordPress is the Single Most Powerful Platform for Your Business Website
Your website is the first point of contact the world has with your business. It needs to tell your brand story in such a compelling way that moving to the next level of contact is irresistible. Your site can be an absolute work of art, but if the audience you’re after never finds it, or if it doesn’t inspire them to engage with you in a meaningful way, it doesn’t do a single thing to convert them into customers.
If you’ve used a template-based, plug-and-play subscription-based platform to build a website, pat yourself on the back. You’ve built a website for your business, and that’s the first step any of us take into the wild world of the web. For most business owners, creating quality website content is a major accomplishment. However, getting into the nuts and bolts of hosting, development, and maintenance can be overwhelming. But, if you’re also starting to wonder what you’re missing living inside the walls of Squarespace, Weebly, or Wix, I’m here to enlighten you on the possibilities that a WordPress site can open up to your business. Also worthy of note is that I’m talking about an independently hosted WordPress.org site rather than the WordPress.com hosted blog service.
Key Advantages of a WordPress Site:
1. You OWN IT.
You own your code, content, and design, and can migrate it anywhere you choose. It is yours forever.
WordPress is a free platform. While you’ll still have to pay for domain name registration and hosting, the basic costs are lower for a WordPress site.
3. You benefit from a worldwide OPEN SOURCE platform.
Thousands of developers worldwide are continually contributing to WordPress.
4. FUNCTIONALITY options are many.
With over 54,000 plugins, almost anything you want to do with your website is possible.
5. CUSTOMIZATION is limitless.
Site structure and visual design are constrained only by your imagination. You are not confined to predefined choices of page types, look and feel, or content.
6. Your SEO is DIY.
And that’s a good thing. A WordPress site provides full integration of your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts, as well as the option to utilize SEO plugins such as RankMath or Yoast, which can help you optimize site content to rank in search results.
7. E-COMMERCE is at the ready.
Numerous e-commerce platforms are designed to function seamlessly with WordPress, including WooCommerce, a plugin that provides full online store capability within your site interface.
8. CRM is as much about you as it is about your customers.
It’s a relationship, after all. WordPress integrates with Hubspot, HootSuite, MailChimp, and Constant Contact, so if you’re using those, jump in!
9. You can manage SOCIAL MEDIA like a champ.
Several plugins allow you to publish updates to all major social platforms through your WordPress site.
10. You are on the World’s #1 BLOGGING platform.
And new blog content is an excellent way to boost your SEO and establish yourself as an industry thought leader.
11. You have HOSTING options.
You can choose the provider and package that meet your site’s traffic needs and choose the level of control you wish to have over your site’s environment.
12. Your site has SCALABILITY.
You can add a large number of pages and as many site admins and contributors as you need.
Can you migrate an existing website to WordPress?
The answer is YES! You may be wondering: “Do I have to throw out all the work I’ve done on my current website?” That answer is a resounding “NO.” In fact, if you already have a site that’s drawing the right traffic and engaging your audience, you’ve done the hardest part of the work – developing the content. Most website platforms have some degree of content export functionality to make migrating to WordPress easier.
How Do I Keep My WordPress Website Up to Date?
WordPress continues to evolve and is advancing as technology changes, due to the tens of thousands of people around the globe continually contributing to the platform. You can have as much involvement “under the hood” as you choose. Making content updates, such as blog posts, case studies, or press releases can be easily accomplished through the WordPress user dashboard. New to WordPress? We can get you up and posting with about an hour of training.
WordPress Hosting and Maintenance
A WordPress site does require care and maintenance, as does your lawn, your pet, or your car. And, sometimes hiring out help for that is well worth it. We launched Tech Cantina for just that reason and handle hosting and maintenance for sites such as Connemara Conservancy and BizComPR. The performance you get in return from a WordPress site is well worth the care & feeding it requires.
Ready to Get Started?
If you’d like a review of your current website and are interested in a free consultation, drop me a line at cathy@designcantina.com.